WARNING You're browsing the documentation for an old version of LARAVEL-OCI8. Consider upgrading your project to laravel-oci8 11.0.
Oracle Blob
Querying a blob field will now load the value instead of the OCI-Lob object.
$data = DB::table('mylobs')->get();foreach ($data as $row) { echo $row->blobdata . '<br>';}
Inserting a blob via transaction
DB::transaction(function($conn){ $pdo = $conn->getPdo(); $sql = "INSERT INTO mylobs (id, blobdata) VALUES (mylobs_id_seq.nextval, EMPTY_BLOB()) RETURNING blobdata INTO :blob"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':blob', $lob, PDO::PARAM_LOB); $stmt->execute(); $lob->save('blob content');});
Inserting Records Into A Table With Blob And Auto-Incrementing ID
$id = DB::table('mylobs')->insertLob( array('name' => 'Insert Binary Test'), array('blobfield'=>'Lorem ipsum Minim occaecat in velit.') );
Note: When using the insertLob method, you can specify the auto-incrementing column name as the third parameter in insertLob function. It will default to "id" if not specified.
Updating Records With A Blob
$id = DB::table('mylobs')->whereId(1)->updateLob( array('name'=>'demo update blob'), array('blobfield'=>'blob content here') );
Note: When using the insertLob method, you can specify the auto-incrementing column name as the third parameter in insertLob function. It will default to "id" if not specified.
Updating Blob directly using OracleEloquent
On your model, just add use yajra\Oci8\Eloquent\OracleEloquent as Eloquent;
and define the fields that are blob via protected $binaries = [];
Example Model:
use Yajra\Oci8\Eloquent\OracleEloquent as Eloquent; class Post extends Eloquent { // define binary/blob fields protected $binaries = ['content']; // define the sequence name used for incrementing // default value would be {table}_{primaryKey}_seq if not set protected $sequence = null; }
Route::post('save-post', function(){ $post = new Post; $post->title = Input::get('title'); $post->company_id = Auth::user()->company->id; $post->slug = Str::slug(Input::get('title')); // set binary field (content) value directly using model attribute $post->content = Input::get('content'); $post->save();});
Limitation: Saving multiple records with a blob field like
is not yet supported!