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WARNING You're browsing the documentation for an upcoming version of Laravel DataTables. The documentation and features of this release are subject to change.

Html Builder Ajax

Ajax is an option that you set to tell dataTable where to fetch it's data.

See official documentation for ajax option for details.



Ajax Parameter

Ajax parameter ($attributes) can either be a string or an array.

String Attributes

When the attribute passed is a string. The builder will treat this as the URL where we fetch our data.


Setting ajax to null or empty string will use the current url where DataTables was used.

Array Attributes

Accepted options are url and data.

'url' => route('users.index'),
'type' => 'GET',
'data' => 'function(d) { d.key = "value"; }',

URL Option

URL option represents the url where dataTables will fetch it's json data.

Type Option

Type option represents the type of request (GET/POST) that we will use when sending a request to the server.

Data Option

Data option is a js string that you can use to append custom data when sending the request to the server.